In Play: An Interactive Introduction, students think critically about how we conceive of and understand play, including how it can be utilized in a range of contexts, such as facilitating learning, building community, and addressing social injustices. Over the course of the semester, students complete Play Journals, in which they are tasked to play according to specific prompts — such as playing with a non-human animal, playing something that represents an aspect of one's identity or culture, or playing with something not meant to be played with — and to write critical reflections on their experiences. For one journal prompt, students were also invited to get playful in the form of their reflections: using artist Wendy MacNaughton’s New York Times “op-art” essay “How to Have Fun Again” as inspiration, they could create their own illustrated essays suggesting ways to play. Tylea Jorgenson took the opportunity and drew this beautiful essay.

Tylea Jorgenson
Wildlife Conservation
I am a born and raised Alaskan so the Tucson sun has taken some adjustment time. After graduating I hope to travel the world studying wildlife and helping in the efforts for conservation. If I’m not studying I can be found doing yoga or reading a new novel under one of the many trees on campus.