Students in PAH 331 explore a wide range of ways to study video games and, for their final project, they are tasked with identifying a specific audience to whom they will teach one of those approaches. For her project, Lindsey decided to teach about narratology in games, i.e., the study of games as a storytelling or narrative form. Focusing on Imago Dei - a small private middle school in Tucson where she previously mentored - Lindsey built her project as a worksheet set to help her mentees develop their own game worlds and narratives. Her final project highlights both her keen rhetorical insights and elegant design skills, as well as serving as an excellent demonstration of her strengths as a writer and analyst.

Lindsey Marie Bell
Natural Resource Science
Born and raised in Arizona, Lindsey’s passion for the diverse ecosystems this state has to offer started small with nature walks during a middle school science class and has now developed into studying natural resource science with an emphasis in ecohydrology and watershed management at the University of Arizona. From working in mushroom, tree-ring, and climate labs, and for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Lindsey is a broadly trained ecologist interested in understanding a wide range of ecosystem processes in a changing world. Lindsey currently works on projects that combine multiple types of techniques and data to answer questions related to ecosystem fluxes, land classification, and phenology. By obtaining an advanced degree and continuing her involvement in scientific research, Lindsey hopes to continue learning about and combining new techniques to satisfy her curiosities about the natural world.