Emma Richardson enhanced her communication skills teaching youth health programs.
How did you get your internship and why did you choose it?
I was able to get my internship through a resource linked on the PAH Opportunity Hub. On this website, it gives a lot of different internships and a description of what each one was. I really liked the description of the internship opportunity at Arizona Youth Partnership. I emailed them and they set up an interview. After the interview, they ended up giving me the internship!
I chose this internship because it sounded very interesting and the work was related to public health, which is my emphasis area in the Applied Humanities major. Arizona Youth Partnership visits different schools in the Tucson area and teaches programs about sex education, substance abuse, and healthy relationships. I liked the work they were doing for the community and I wanted to be a part of something that helped people.
What was the impact of your internship experience?
Some new transferable skills I learned during my internship were communication skills. I talked to new people everyday and helped the person teaching the programs. My favorite part of my internship was when these programs were taught because I could tell that these students really benefited from the education we provided and that was cool to watch.
This internship made me realize that I want to work for a nonprofit in my future career path. I really liked being able to help people and I could definitely see myself doing something like this in the future.
What advice do you have for other students as they search for and begin their internship?
I would definitely advise to look for your internship earlier rather than later. Another piece of advice I would say is to make sure you get the most out of your internship. It is important to go all in and try to get something out of the experience.