Suellen & Glenda Adams Award Winners


Victoria Braegger (2025)

Victoria Braegger is an Assistant Professor of Technical Communication at Missouri University of Science and Technology. She earned a PhD in rhetoric and composition from Purdue University and a Master of Technical Communication and bachelor’s degrees in history and English from Utah State University. Her research is at the intersection of technical communication and game studies, focusing on peripheral design and UX/UI, constructions and maintenance of gamer identity, and accessibility in digital spaces. She has presented her work at Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS), Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW), and Southwest Popular/American Culture Association (SWPACA). She has published work in Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics and in Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Design of Communication, and contributed chapters to The Ethics of Playing, Researching, and Teaching Games in the Writing Classroom and Historiographies of Game Studies: What it Has Been, What it Could Be. She is a member of Not Your Mama’s Gamer and the Learning Games Initiative.



Jeremy Johnson (2025)

Jeremy Miles Johnson is an independent game developer and professor of Video Game Development at St. Edward's University in Austin, TX. He primarily teaches classes on game design, production, and interactive storytelling. His work with students tends to focus on the development of educational games or games for social justice. In the past, he and his students produced minigames for Monstralia for the HealthStart Foundation. More recently they are collaborating with the Department of Counseling at St. Edward's to develop roleplaying game campaigns for use in group therapy. His personal creative works include board games, gamebooks, and video games where he can experiment with narrative in relation to game systems.



David Prihoda (2025)

David is an adjunct English professor and writing specialist (this is a job title, not a boast) at two small colleges in Kansas, as well as a PhD student and Adjunct Associate Professor of English at Old Dominion University. He teaches various writing and literature courses, including Creative Writing and Literature of Personal Discovery, but his passion is teaching game studies courses such as Game Criticism, Intro to Game Studies, and a class of his own design, Narrative in Esports. He is a passionate gamer. In addition to gaming, he always enjoys his wife's piano-noodling, Batman, parenthetical asides, and basketball. (He is a lifelong Lakers fan who has no idea what to make of their recent Luka Dončić acquisition.)


Ashley Rezvani (2025)

Ashley Rezvani has been studying and making games for almost a decade. After receiving her MA in Digital Games Theory and Design, she worked as a freelance serious game designer making educational games and museum exhibits about social justice topics, mostly for children ages 8-12. With a lifelong passion for teaching, she’s been lecturing in game design and game studies for six years, most recently as an Assistant Professor of Game Design and Interactive Media at the University of Montana. Her research interests include food in games, gender performativity in digital spaces, and using game design to de-bias players. When she’s not hunched over her computer and giving herself back problems, she’s hiking in the beautiful Rocky Mountains or baking bread.