Mia Holleran developed hands-on experience in the fashion industry as an intern at Dairy Boy
What new skills did you practice during your internship?
A new transferable skill that I practiced throughout my internship was attention to detail. The brand that I interned with, Dairy Boy, is a lifestyle denim, clothing, and housewares brand that experienced a significant growth period over the summer. They launched a large number of new products. Since we were expanding our customer base, it was important that I paid close attention to everything I did to be efficient because everyone at the brand was taking on new or more responsibilities.
How was the internship related to your Applied Humanities degree?
This clothing company, whose target market are people my age, aligns perfectly with my Fashion Studies area of emphasis. This internship provided hands-on experience, allowing me to engage with various aspects of business operations and witness both the challenges and successes of running a small business. It was an excellent opportunity to practice and develop transferable skills.
What were some satisfying parts of your internship?
The most satisfying part of my internship was completing projects and receiving positive feedback on the results. Receiving compliments and recognition of my strong work ethic from my supervisor and colleagues made me feel noticed and appreciated. It was also incredibly rewarding to see all the hard work we put into the summer product drops come to life. We go to watch the inventory go live on the website and even see some of the products in use out in the world.
Another one of my favorite parts was when our team was struggling to name a new phone case and I shared my suggestion when we were brainstorming ideas. Then they decided to go with it! Now, the name I chose is on the website. It felt amazing to be part of such a significant decision.
What did you find challenging about your internship?
The most challenging part of my internship was managing the long workdays and not always knowing how to complete the tasks assigned to me. For example, when we were really busy, I would be provided a task with an end goal, but not given the exact instructions on how to do it, so I wouldn’t always know how to approach it. However, I built up the courage to ask questions whenever I needed to. Another challenge was when things didn’t go as planned. For instance, we launched a tumbler with a straw, but due to an issue with the packaging, some customers received broken straws. It was frustrating, but we worked through it, coming up with a new plan to fix the problem and send out replacements to everyone who received the damaged packages.
How has your internship experience influenced your plans for your future?
My internship has definitely improved my career plans by helping me build valuable connections in the industry I want to work in. They even said they would love to continue to stay in contact past the summer, and I hope to help with online projects throughout the year. Having this internship on my resume will also be helpful when I’m looking for a job after graduation, which I’m really happy about.
What advice do you have for other students as they search for their internship?
I would definitely recommend putting yourself out there. If you know someone working in an industry you're interested in, ask them to connect you with others. Also, work hard because hard work doesn't go unnoticed. It's important to challenge yourself; don’t be shy about reaching out, and always be true to yourself when looking for an internship. That way, you'll find the right fit for you.