Edward Jelin explored opportunities to build customer service and sales skills in an outdoor setting as a Beach Operations Intern in Florida.
How did you get your internship?
I got this internship by first brainstorming what kind of work I wanted to do this summer and what location I wanted to be in. I am from Georgia and wanted to do an internship in the Georgia or Florida area. I spent time researching opportunities around the start of the spring semester on online job sites such as Handshake and Indeed. When I came across the intern posting for Vacayzen, I did not know anything about the company or the job, but I was drawn to the description and the location. I applied to one of the internship positions that was already full, but got a message back from the internship director that I would be a good fit for another position. After completing two interviews and getting to learn more about the job, I was hired as a Beach Operations Intern.
Why did you choose this internship?
I chose this internship because I knew it would be a unique experience. Being in Florida while working and living at the beach was an opportunity I could not pass up. I knew that I wanted a position where I could be outside everyday doing an active job rather than sitting at a desk. I was also drawn to this internship because I knew I would make connections. There were a total of interns from all over the country, and many of them are now my close friends. I enjoy exploring new places and having adventurous experiences, so I knew this internship was an opportunity for me to accomplish that while growing my professional skills.
What kind of work did you do throughout your internship experience?
The work I did throughout my internship was physically demanding, yet rewarding. Most days started around 6:30 am, and I would load a truck up with beach chairs and umbrellas for my morning route. A coworker and I would be responsible for delivering and setting up over sixty chairs and thirty umbrellas. On these routes we would regularly interact with customers, navigate obstacles on the beach, and follow beach regulations. During the day we would go around to houses repairing equipment, delivering same day orders, and planning ahead for the week. The day wrapped up around 7 PM when beach equipment was picked up off of beaches in time to avoid fines related to sea turtle nesting. One day a week I was sent to private beach accesses where I would set up beach equipment and make sales throughout the day. A few days during the internship I was sent on a day trip to deliver equipment and check on the condition of our equipment at a beach one hour and forty five minutes from where I typically worked, in a town called Mexico Beach. This was a cool experience for me because I got to explore new areas of Florida that I was not familiar with.
What was your favorite part of your internship?
My favorite part of the internship was meeting new people and expanding my network. I am more of a reserved individual and I typically enjoy my downtime. However, throughout this internship I pushed myself out of my comfort zone daily. Living with five roommates always kept me busy and led to me building friendships with fellow interns. This was very important to me because my experience in this internship would have been different had I not met so many great people. Everyone being in a new environment and having similar internship experiences brought us closer together even though we all had different backgrounds.
What did you find most challenging about your internship?
The most challenging part of the internship for me was not having a lot of concrete information about the details of my work in the interview process. When I got to Florida I felt that I was thrown into action without receiving role-specific training. Although it was difficult, I learned a lot about myself this summer. I learned that sometimes I may have to try and figure things out on my own. The other challenging part was the physical intensity and long work hours. There were many mornings I did not want to wake up at six and do physical labor, but I knew the work ethic I was building this summer was more important than sleeping in.
How has your internship experience influenced your plans for your future?
My internship experience greatly influenced my plans for the future. I learned the value of gaining experience by exploring a new environment. If I did not take the risk of going somewhere new this summer, I would not have made new friends and had the best summer of my life. This summer has inspired me to go out and experience something new again this winter as I am graduating in December. I have recently been hired as a seasonal lift attendant in Aspen, Colorado. I am hoping a fun experience in a new place will lead to more connections and new perspectives. I do not want to rush into a full time position; I enjoy changing up my environment and having new experiences through work.
What advice do you have for other students as they search for their internship?
My advice to any students looking for an internship is to widen your lens. Try not to be super focused on doing one specific internship. Be open to a new experience where you can broaden your horizons and meet new people. Even though it may seem scary or a financial burden to participate in an internship away from home, that is not always the case. Many internships will help to make the experience cost effective if they believe you are the right candidate. Keep an open mind when searching for an internship and understand that no matter how big or small, every opportunity is a chance to grow and learn.