Public Relations

Emma headshot
Emma Ilescremieux
Emphasis Area
Fashion Studies

Emma Ilescremieux tapped into her network to land a public relations internship in New York City and develop industry-specific technical skills.

How did you get your internship?

I got my internship through a connection with a job I had on campus. I developed a strong relationship with my boss and she had been talking to me in more detail about my major and how I want to go into fashion. She told me she knew someone who owned a public relations agency and that she would connect me with them if I ever needed advice on career paths. Near the end of the school year she followed up to ask me if I would want to intern for MV Public Relations (MVPR) and that she would put in a good word for me. I then went through the interview process and was selected as an intern for the summer.

What kind of work did you do throughout your internship experience? 

Throughout my internship I worked on a lot of different projects. On a daily basis I would clip press coverage, review decks, organize the showroom, and do gifting to editors. My manager was in charge of multiple accounts that spanned from fashion to skincare. I loved working with all these accounts with him because I got to learn all aspects of the business and not just fashion public relations. 

What new knowledge and skills did you develop in this internship?

Some new knowledge I developed was learning to use industry-specific tools like Launchmetrics, a brand performance tool for fashion, lifestyle, and beauty brands and another software called Lefty, a platform for analytics for influencer marketing. I developed transferable skills in creativity and got comfortable pitching ideas to my manager as well as helping construct event decks. The most useful skill I learned was by far was learning Launchmetrics. I would imagine it is really hard to get an internship with an in-house fashion PR firm without the use of this platform.

What was your favorite part of your internship?

The most satisfying part of my internship is the instant gratification you get when you see an article published after you put in the work in order to get your brand there. It was so meaningful to me because I saw how happy it would make my team and it just showed how much they cared for their brands and that it wasn't just about the money. I also loved organizing the showroom. We had so many amazing pieces and it was so great to be able to see all of it.

What is the impact of your internship experience? 

The impact of my internship experience was that it helped me build strong professional connections as well as gain confidence in myself. I did not think that as a sophomore I would be able to get an internship at an established company especially in New York City, the epicenter of fashion, but this just proves that connections are everything. I gained so much from this internship not only in my skill set but also in personal growth.

How has your internship experience influenced your plans for your future?

This internship has influenced my plans for the future very much. I now plan on going to Paris for another internship possibly within the next year and hopefully acquiring a job there post-grad. It has shown me that anything is achievable if you put the work in. Make the connections, ask for what you want, and most of the time the people around you want nothing more than to help you.

What advice do you have for other students as they search for and begin their internship?

Advice I have for other students looking for internships are to use connections that you have already made rather than applying to 50+ jobs on LinkedIn. You will never know the people around you and how much they are willing to help you. Some advice I have for when you start your internship is to always be the first intern at the office and the last to leave. Be confident in yourself and ask as many questions as you need to to do your tasks correctly.